
Carrying a baby inside you changes your centre of gravity and puts a lot of stress on your back, neck, abdominal muscles, and shoulders. Pregnancy also relaxes your ligaments, so that your pelvic joints are less stable, which can lead to your pelvis being pulled forward as well as other changes to your posture. Add to that the extra weight of the baby and you may find you've got an aching lower back.

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Carrying a baby inside you changes your centre of gravity and puts a lot of stress on your back, neck, abdominal muscles, and shoulders. Pregnancy also relaxes your ligaments, so that your pelvic joints are less stable, which can lead to your pelvis being pulled forward as well as other changes to your posture. Add to that the extra weight of the baby and you may find you've got an aching lower back.

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A weekly or monthly massage during pregnancy really does help the mum to be physically through all the stages of pregnancy as it helps to: 
Benefits side image

  • Reduce stress

  • Promote relaxation

  • It can also provide emotional support

  • Relieves muscle spasms

  • Cramps and general aches and pains

  • Increases circulation and thus helps to reduce the possibility of varicose veins and swelling in the feet and legs

  • Helps with digestion

  • Using pregnancy specific oils and balms, helps reduces the likelihood of stretch marks
    reduces stress on weight-bearing joints

  • How will I lay during my treatment?

    For your pregnancy massage treatment we have you lie on your side where you will be fully supported using pillows, wedges, or a full-length body pillow for support.

  • Who will carry out my treatment?

    A trained pregnancy massage therapist, they know where a pregnant woman's sore spots are likely to be and will be able to provide some relief. (They also know which areas and techniques to avoid.

  • Communication

    It is important to communicate and tell your therapist where you feel you need attention. Let them know right away if anything during the massage, including your positioning, is causing you any discomfort.

  • Why would I not have a Pregnancy Massage?

    Massage during pregnancy should be avoided by women with placental dysfunctions, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, toxaemia or threatened miscarriage. If in any doubt at all, please have a chat with your doctor before booking an appointment with us.

Real People Real Results

J Hue-Williams

My core was so much tighter than the other 2 pregnancies and my recovery was much quicker. I was originally referred to Stuart for a herniated disc. Part of my problem was that having had 2 children m...

S Gill

I started seeing Stuart Green from Functional Therapy after a back operation (a microdiscectomy) in 2009 for post operative care and then after a period of rehabilitation as a trainer. I continue to s...

N Timberlake

Dear Stuart, Thanks very much for your instruction and encouragement over the past few months. Having tried and failed with all the 'usual' forms of treatment to sort my lower back pain out I must adm...

I Shah

Stuart is an exceptional exercise specialist and coach, who helps you go beyond the traditional fitness program. His approach is total health management from nutritional and proper breathing advice to...

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